SANDEQ, The Legendary Boat from West Sulawesi - FOTO SULAWESI

SANDEQ, The Legendary Boat from West Sulawesi

By Indra J Mae - November 08, 2013

 Sandeq is kind of outrigger sailboat with a sail that has long been used by Mandar fishermen or as a means of transportation between islands in West Sulawesi. The form is flat, with a width ranging from 1.5 to 2 meters long and 6-9 meters makes it more agile and faster than other sailboats. This boat is very famous as a maritime cultural heritage Society Mandar, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Before the use of the motor (engine), sandeq transportation between islands become the most dominant reason than licah and fast, sandeq also can sail downwind, ie with zigzag sailing techniques (in the Mandar language referred to as "Makkarakkayi").

Originally Sandeq a traditional sailboat Mandar tribal society , the manufacturing center in the village of Bala , Polewali Mandar , West Sulawesi . Sandeq boat , has a characteristic that distinguishes bercadik with most other boats . Has a beautiful shape and pretty with long hull approximately 9-16 m wide and 0.5-1 m . Mounted on either side of the bamboo outrigger as a counterweight , relying on impulse wind caught triangular screen . At first glance , this boat seems fragile and easily damaged when fighting the waves . However , you will be amazed when I see the reality of this Sandeq boat has tremendous power . Can be driven up to speeds of 15-20 knots or 30-40 km / hour . As a beautiful sailboat and also fast , the boat is also capable Sandeq big waves crashing though . It has been noted that Sandeq boat capable of sailing to some of the islands in the archipelago , to Singapore , Malaysia , Japan and Madagascar , Australia , even Madagarkas .

Boat Sandeq also able to withstand the wind and the waves while chasing a herd of tuna. When flying fish spawning season , fishermen use to set traps Sandeq eggs from a series of palm leaves and sea grass , or hunting spices to Ternate and Tidore , Ambon to be brought to the port of Makassar in South Sulawesi .

According to Horst Liebner H , Sandeq researchers from Germany , the boat is a traditional boat Sandeq fastest ever in Austronesian . The boat is also known to have toughness in the face of the wind and the waves while wading through the high seas . This indicates , that the boat builders Sandeq very careful in designing and making this boat . It is no exaggeration , because people are very concerned Mandar tribe with good manufacturing process . For example , the manufacture of each boat takes between 1.5 to 2 months . Due to the length of time the manufacture of the boat also has produced good quality . Sandeg boat was first created by the community Rangas , Totoli Village , District Banggae , about 10 km west of the capital Majene .
Sandeq boat building is unique , ranging from beginning to end . Boat building process begins with the selection of raw materials . Usually local people choose the type of tree kanduruang mamea who are old . These species if old when processed for various purposes can last longer than any exposure to the weather . Selection of old-growth trees are also associated with Mandar tribe community attention on the environment and natural surroundings and avoid irregular logging can cause damage to the forest ecosystem . In this way , the preservation of nature and society is maintained free from the threat of disaster .
For the people of tribal Mandar , former boat Sandeq used to find fish in the high seas at a time when the sea was so calm and the fish easily obtainable . However , when the opposite condition , the more Mandar fishermen park their boats on the shore .

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