

By Indra J Mae - November 06, 2013

In Bugis tradition, the role of women is not only used as a symbol of loveliness or household caregiver for her husband and her children. However, long way since the first narrated the epic La Galigo, Bugis Women already come to dominate the socio-cultural institutions and politics in Bugis kingdoms.
In the book History of Java (1817), Thomas Stanford Raffles noted amazed impression of the role of women in the Bugis society

“The women are held in more esteem than could be expected from the state of civilization in general, and undergo none of those severe hardships, privations or labours that restrict fecundity in other parts of the world”

Social status of women Bugis seems quite high. It can be seen both in the social reality as well as in the codex. Socially, we can mention the figure Colliq Pujié, Bugis woman who lived in the 19th century who worked as a writer, poet and statesman. In ancient manuscript called brave women Bugis (materru ') and prudent (malampé' nawa nawa).
Even so, the main task of a woman becoming a mother Bugis is the salehah, good and sincere (mancaji Indo ana tettong ridécéngngé, Tudang ripacingngé), husband of guiding honest, frugal and wise at the same time supporting and sustaining partners in overcoming all difficulties and struggles in dealing with all things (Mancaji pattaro tettong rïlempu'é punnai cirinna enrengngé lights 'Nawa Nawa-mméwai sibaliperri' waroanéna Sappa 'laleng atuong), became the pride of his father, brother and husband to maintain his honor (mancaji' siatutuiang siri na enrengngé banapatinna ritomatoanna, risiléssureng macoana tired 'ga riworoanéna)...

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