Old villa, offering Dutch colonial government to the Queen

By Indra J Mae - September 19, 2012

Building architecture typical blend of European and Bugis house stands firmly on top of the hill Watansoppeng, South Sulawesi. The building was named Villa Juliana. Villa Juliana is a historic building heritage Dutch East Indies government that stands over a century ago. This villa was built in 1905 and then by the Dutch East Indies government governor named CA Kroesen.

Villa Juliana purposely built Governor Dutch East Indies, CA Kroesen to welcome on arrival as well as evidence of his love for Queen Juliana. However, because of the security situation and the conditions that currently does not support, Queen Juliana thought better to visit, although Villa had built.

The building has a replica or a twin in Nedherland, but the architecture Villa Juliana is minimal compared to those in the Netherlands. Existing buildings in the Netherlands in the form of the palace, while in Soppeng only shaped villa, but the same model.

Currently, Villa Juliana still standing in Soppeng. Good condition and well maintained. The historic building is now used as a museum that is visited daily by students and the general public.

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